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Suzhou Deneng Motor Co., LTD

Contact: Ms. Zou

phones: 18862698752

Tel: 086-0512-53415558

Fax: 086-0512-53415557

Email: dranezwg@126.com

Website: www.jaifly.com

Add: No.2 Road, Fengzhong Industrial Zone, Shuangfeng Town, Taicang City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province

Motor industry competition intensifies, motor manufacturers analyze the industry status quo

2020-01-19 H:53:43

In recent years, due to the increasing attention of the international community to energy conservation, environmental protection sustainable development, the production of high-efficiency motors has become the development direction of the global motor industry. At present, the world motor manufacturing industry is developing general purpose products to general purpose special products at the same time, high efficiency, energy saving, high grade motors electromechanical integration of variable frequency motors will have good market prospects.

According to the understanding of motor manufacturers, many foreign motor manufacturers will transfer the manufacturing base to developing countries, resulting in China's motor manufacturing industry output growth year by year, exports rise year by year, export product grade continues to improve, some products with higher technical content have entered the international market.

After years of development, the domestic motor industry has formed a number of large-scale motor enterprises, these enterprises in order to cope with the global pattern of market competition, gradually "large comprehensive" to "specialized, intensive" change, further promote the development of specialized production mode in the motor industry.

At present, China's motor industry is still a labor-intensive technology-intensive industry, large medium-sized motor market concentration is high, small medium-sized motor market concentration is low, fierce competition. There is a large differentiation within the motor industry, listed enterprises, large state-owned enterprises due to sufficient funds, large production capacity, high visibility reasons, in the development of the entire industry to occupy the first opportunity, gradually expanded the market share. The large number of small medium-sized, homogenized motor manufacturers can only share the remaining market share, forming the "Matthew effect" in the industry, which promotes the industry concentration to be improved, some vulnerable enterprises are eliminated.

The above is a brief analysis of the current situation of the motor industry by motor manufacturers, motor manufacturers believe that continuous innovation, adapt to the pace of The Times, meet market demand is the key to development!





Tel: 0512-53415558

Mail box: dranezwg@126.com

The website is www.jaifly.com

Add: No.2 Fenghua Road, Shuangfeng Town, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province
